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Boeing 737-200
Boeing 737-200

The 737-200 is a 737-100 with an extended fuselage, launched by an order from United Airlines in 1965. The -200 was rolled out on June 29, 1967, and entered service in 1968. The 737-200 Advanced is an improved version of the -200, introduced into service by All Nippon Airways on May 20, 1971. The -200 Advanced has improved aerodynamics, automatic wheel brakes, more powerful engines, more fuel capacity, and longer range than the -200. Boeing also provided the 737-200C (Convertible), which allowed for conversion between passenger and cargo use and the 737-200QC (Quick Change), which facilitated a rapid conversion between roles. The 1,095th and last delivery of a -200 series aircraft was in August 1988 to Xiamen Airlines.

A large number of 737-200s are still in service, mostly with "second and third tier" airlines, as well as those of developing nations. In many cases, they are being phased out due to fuel efficiency, noise emissions (despite the vast majority having had their JT8Ds fitted with hush kits), and escalating maintenance costs when compared to their more modern cousins. A key capability of the 737-200, which is not shared with any similarly-sized jet aircraft, is the ability to operate from unimproved or unpaved landing strips, such as gravel runways with a gravelkit modification installed. Gravel-kitted 737-200 Combis are currently used by Canadian North, First Air, and Air North in northern Canada. For many years, Alaska Airlines made use of gravel-kitted 737-200s to serve Alaska's many unimproved runways across the state.

Boeing 737-200 Models      |  RSS for this category : 
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Boeing B 737-236A British Airways G-BGJE
"Rendezvous - Hong Kong" Colors.
Aviation 400 : AV4732007 | 1:400 scale | 750 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Boeing B 737-209A Braniff International N458AC
"American Airlines Hybrid" Colors. Chrome Version.
Jet-X : JET590 | 1:400 scale | 120 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Boeing B 737-2M8 Quebecair 1980 C-GQBS
"1980s - TEA - Hybrid" Colors.
AeroClassics : ACCGQBS | 1:400 scale | 216 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Boeing B 737-2E1 Canadian Airlines C-FEPL
"EPA - Hybrid" Colors. Named "Flagship Halifax".
AeroClassics : ACCFEPL | 1:400 scale | 180 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Boeing B 737-217A CP Air 1970 C-GCPV
"1970s" Colors. Named "Empress of Toronto".
AeroClassics : AC18093 | 1:400 scale | 480 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Boeing B 737-209A American Airlines 1980 N458AC
"1980s" Colors. Polished Version.
Jet-X : JET589A | 1:400 scale | 120 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Boeing B 737-2Q9 Nordair C-GNDG
"TEA - Hybrid" Colors.
AeroClassics : C-GNDG | 1:400 scale | 240 pieces Worldwide | read more...

GeminiJets : GJBAWSET1 | 1:400 scale | 2500 pieces Worldwide | read more...

AeroClassics : AC18099B | 1:400 scale | 408 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Seattle Model Aircraft : SMAN201FE | 1:400 scale | 320 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Boeing B 737-232A Delta Express 2000 N323DL
"2000s" Colors. With "SkyTeam" Logo. With "" Logo.
GeminiJets : GJDAL196 | 1:400 scale | 2500 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Boeing B 737-217A Canadian Airlines 1995 C-GKCP
"1995s" Colors. With "Canadian Alliance" Titles. With "A Time for Change" Logo.
AeroClassics : ACCGKCP | 1:400 scale | 150 pieces Worldwide | read more...

AeroClassics : ACCGJCP | 1:400 scale | 380 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Boeing B 737-2M8 El Al 4X-ABL
"TEA - Hybrid" Colors. Named "Jonathan".
AeroClassics : AC4XABL | 1:400 scale | 168 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Boeing B 737-2T5A KLM Royal Dutch Airlines 1980 PH-TVX
"1980s" Colors. With "Leased from Transavia" Titles.
AeroClassics : ACPHTVX | 1:400 scale | 370 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Boeing B 737-219C Air New Zealand All Blacks ZK-NQC
"All Blacks" Colors. With "Star Alliance" Logo.
Jet-X : JX233 | 1:400 scale | 120 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Boeing B 737-219C Air New Zealand ZK-NQC
"1997s" Colors. With "Star Alliance" Logo.
AeroClassics : ACZKNQC | 1:400 scale | 280 pieces Worldwide | read more...

AeroClassics : AC9MMBA | 1:400 scale | 204 pieces Worldwide | read more...

Release date for Boeing 737-200